Are you at Risk for Injury In 2015??!!

May 26, 2019

Every New Year it is customary for us to make resolutions in order to improve some aspect of our life. Today it is my desire to address the physical resolutions such as losing weight, increasing activity level, participating in a new sport, resuming a sport and/or returning to sports after injury.

In 2015 Missing Link Physical Therapy (MLPT) wants to focus on injury prevention for persons in the community as a whole; from the professional athlete to the 80 year old who likes to participate in recreational activities. As Physical Therapists we have used the techniques of range of motion, strength and sports specific exercises to predict whether individuals are ready to return to their specific sporting activities. However, research reveals that these techniques are not 100% effective and some individuals develop new injuries or have a recurrence of the old injury.  Consequently, it is essential that we perform a Musculoskeletal Physical Assessment that will continue to assess range of motion and  strengthen in addition to the  performance of a Functional Movement Screen (FMS) and Y Balance Testing (YBT).

One might ask: Why is this Physical Assessment important? Research has shown that the right to left asymmetries can lead to abnormal stressors on the body resulting in injury over time. This evaluation enables us to assess asymmetries from right to left, assess the effects of past injuries on the body, and the effects injuries have contributed with regards to motor recruitment/proprioception. Think about the effects of an ankle or knee injury on your body. Wouldn’t it be great to have a test that reveals these imbalances and predicts risk for injuries?

The FMS and YBT are tests that show risk for injury. With regard to the YBT we can predict injuries based on gender, age and the specific sport undertaken by the individual. These tests give the clients an objective result on the risk for injury based on their specific sporting activity.  THIS ASSESSMENT IS PROVIDED AT MLPT.

In the New Year we encourage you to exercise!! Visit MLPT to have your Musculoskeletal Physical Assessment and we shall be happy to guide you towards increased activity/improved performance with decreased risk of injury.

Below are articles to substantiate the testing we are providing:

If you wish to schedule your Physical Assessment please call or email us at (703) 858- 5070;